The Master of Economics Program held a Public Lecture entitled “Building National Food Security: Optimizing Domestic Resources amid Global Uncertainty”. The public lecture presented two resource persons, namely Dr. Ir. Budi Waryanto, MSi, Director of Food Availability of the National Food Agency and Prof. Dr. FX. Sugiyanto, M.S, Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University. The Public lecture is moderated by Wahyu Widodo, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D, who is also the Head of the Master of Economics Study Program Diponegoro University.

This forum is open to all academicians either from Diponegoro University or other universities. This activity was held online on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, which was attended by more than 100 participants consisting of lecturers, students, professionals and regional government staff.

This event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, M.Si. In his opening speech, he said that the Master of Economics Program is one of the study programs that aggressively choose themes about national development issues, one of which is about food security. In the 21st century, which is often discussed in the World Economic Forum (WEF), there are four factors that play an important role on the global constellation, namely food, renewable energy, IT and sustainability in business.

In this public lecture, Dr. Ir. Budi Waryanto, M.Si presented a seminar material entitled “Realizing National Food Security: Factual Conditions, Potentials and Challenges”. He addressed the issue of how Indonesia’s food policy governance and how to deal with global challenges. In addition, Prof. Dr. FX. Sugiyanto, M.S presented seminar material entitled “Political Economy of National Food Security”. He criticized the issue of food national security from political an institutional perspective. How Indonesian political situation drives the level of food security. He concerns with Law of Cipta Kerja, especially on the issues of food availability, in which the Government opens the import to fill the demand gap, rather than providing the foods domestically.

This public lecture can be accessed through Master of Economics’ the Youtube channel: