Curriculum of Master of Economics Study Program Curriculum
Curriculum 2017
Prior to 2020 the Master of Economics Study Program implemented the 2017 Curriculum. This curriculum was prepared based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). The targeted learning outcomes are graduates with the expertise of a Master. Mastering economic theory and able to provide data-based analysis of economic developments. The 2017 curriculum consists of two, namely the Regular Program Curriculum and the Cooperation Program Curriculum. The Curriculum of the Cooperation Program is structured differently because the Master of Economics Study Program in 2017 collaborated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia in the field of Youth Entrepreneurship. Both curricula are implemented by the face-to-face lecture method (by course).
Regular Program Curriculum
The 2017 Curriculum for the Regular Program consists of 38 Semester Credit Units (SKS) with the following composition of subjects:
Cooperation Program Curriculum
The 2017 Curriculum for the Cooperation Program consists of 41 Semester Credit Units (SKS) with the following composition of subjects:
Curriculum 2020 (Merdeka)
Since 2020 the Master of Economics Study Program curriculum that applies to new students is the 2020 Merdeka Campus Curriculum. This curriculum is designed in accordance with the policies of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) regarding Free Learning – Independent Campus. The 2020 Merdeka Campus Curriculum is prepared based on UNDIP Chancellor Regulation No. 5/2020 concerning Academic Regulations in the Education Sector of the Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program.
The Master of Economics Study Program opens two programs, namely: Masters in Economics by Course and Masters in Economics by Research, with a total of 39 semester credit units (SKS) that must be taken respectively 39 credits and 38 credits, with a study period of 4 semesters (2 years). To support the mission of Diponegoro University to become a leading research university, as part of the study process in the Master of Economics Study Program, students are equipped with the ability to write scientific articles and are required to produce scientific publications. The 2020 Merdeka Campus Curriculum structure is as follows:
Program Master of Economics by Course
- Concentrations are offered with a minimum requirement of 10 students or based on the highest percentage of student interest.
- Semester 3 credits maximum 6, with the option of taking one full concentration, or 1 concentration course and internship, or taking a full short course.
- Elective courses can be taken across universities as an implementation of the Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus policy.
- Mechanisms for cross-tertiary education, internships and short courses are further regulated.
- Scientific publications for the Masters by Course Program at least in national journals indexed by Sinta 4, as evidenced by a Letter of Acceptance (LoA).
- The Pre-Masters Program is conducted 2 weeks before lectures start, with the number of meetings accordingly.
Program Master of Economics by Research
- Students of the Masters by Research Program are required to attend Econometrics courses in Semester 2.
- The Pre-Masters Program is conducted 2 weeks before lectures start, with the number of meetings accordingly.
- Scientific publications for the Masters Program by Research at least in reputable international journals are proven by a Letter of Acceptance (LoA).