Master of Economics Learning System
Based on UNDIP Chancellor Regulation No. 5/2020 concerning the Academic Regulations in the Education Sector of the Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program, the learning system in the Master of Economics Study Program is run as follows:
Learning Process
One academic year is divided into two semesters, Odd and Even. The start of the academic year starts in July. For this reason, the beginning of the Odd Semester also starts in July, and the beginning of the Even Semester starts in January. Lectures are conducted in 16 meetings in one semester. 14 times for face-to-face and once each for Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) and Final Semester Examination (UAS). Face to face is done on a weekly basis. The learning method used is a combination of face-to-face lectures (lecture), discussion (discussion) and collaborative learning. Students are targeted as the center of the learning process (Student Centered Learning – SCL) with skill-building activities. In addition to face-to-face lectures, it is possible for lectures to use the online / online system with a maximum percentage of 50 percent of the total face-to-face meetings for regular study programs (under normal conditions). Lectures are conducted using the Team Teaching method, each subject is taught by two different lecturers.
Study Load (Semester Credit Unit)
Free study is measured by Semester Credit Units (SKS), where for the Master by Course Program 38 credits and 39 credits for the Masters by Research Program. This load consists of compulsory courses, electives, thesis and publication. 1 SKS consists of face-to-face activities for 50 minutes per week per semester; structured assignment activities 60 minutes per week per semester; and 60 minutes of independent activities per week per semester. A total of 1 credit is equal to 170 minutes of academic activity per week per semester.
Length of Study
Lectures are taken within 4 semesters (normal) or 2 years, with a maximum study period of twice the normal time minus one semester.
Assessment System
The final grade of learning outcomes is based on several assessment components and is stated in the formula in each study program. In general, the assessment components consist of: Mid-Semester Exams (UTS), Final Semester Exams (UAS), and Assignments (2 pieces), with weights: 35%, 35%, 15% and 15%. Assignments can be assigned in several forms, so that the grade for the assignment can be the average of all assigned assignments. The test method and assignments that are given adjust to the characteristics of each course. Convert number and letter values as follows:
Scientific publication is one of the obligations that must be fulfilled by students as a requirement for graduation. Publications are carried out by students together with thesis supervisors with Diponegoro University affiliations. Scientific publications for the Master by Course Program are at least in national journals indexed by Sinta 4, while for the Masters by Research Program at least in reputable international journals, both are proven by the Letter of Acceptance (LoA).